So many years have passed by since we last met Esther, she was part of the group of people that serve with us in the early 90ths. Esther is dutch, she has visited us in Finland, she still very passionated about the ship ministry. It was great to meet with her and many other friends. Esther helped us with tours and she is praying about rejoining the OM Ships. Lets pray for her and for many more dutches to have such a powerful encounter with our Lord that they too will want to come and serve with us. We are prayer for 10 dutches to join us, please pray with us.
Muitos anos se passaram des da ultima vez que encontramos Esther, ela foi parte do grupo de pessoas que serviram conosco no principio dos anos 90. Esther nos visitou na Finlândia, ela continua apaixonada pelo ministério dos navios. Foi muito obom poder encontrar com a Esther e com carios outors amigos. Esther nos ajudou dando turs, ela esta orando sobre reunirse aos ministerios dos navios. Oremos por ela e por muito outros Holandeses, que muito sejam inpactados e queiram participar conosco deste ministerio. Estamps orando por 10 Holandeses, para queles se unam a nos, por favor, orem conosco.
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