As soon as we arrived in Harlingen, Holland, we went out in groups to pray for the city, we went with the local believers, it was great. We all met afterwards in a very small congregation. They offered us coffee and some snacks, we prayed together and we also sang some songs. What a great blessing it was and it is , that we can share the same faith all over the world. Jesus is in every port we come to.
Ao chegarmos em Harlingen, Holanda, fomos convidados para uma caminhada de oração com os cristãos locais. Ao final nos encontramos em uma pequena congregação. Eles nos ofereceram café com alguns petiscos, oramos e louvamos juntos. Que grande benção saber que compartilhamos da mesma fé em todo o mundo. Jesus esta em cada porto que visitamos.
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