Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More than 15 thousands people visit the ship in the Faroe Island. Only 48 thousands live in theses islands. Not only the islands are very beautiful but the people have a hart for missions. They are great supporters of this ship. They filled our freezers with so many donations.

Mais de 15 mil pessoas nos visitaram nas ilhas Faroe, apenas 48 mil pessoas vivem nessas ilhas. Alem da beleza incrível dessas ilhas as pessoas tem o coração voltado a missões. Eles são grande mantenedores desse navio. Tivemos varias doações, o que abarrotou nossos frigorifico.

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Prayer and work

On Friday several pastors and Christian leaders came to Logos Hope to share about their goals, experiences and expectations. Gordon Mac Dade (Northern Ireland), Chairman of the Preparation Committee team for Belfast, talked about people’s response to God’s call and David Dunne (Northern Ireland), from the local OM Committee, explained how the ship has made it easier for many Christian leaders to talk about how to work together while generating new ideas. According to Director Mike Hey (Australia) the Pastors Conference was well received and his focus on prayer and unity was significant for those who attended. For some it was the first time they prayed with people from other denominations.

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Good basis

Last week Frank Moericke (Germany) shared his testimony during 14:23 (referring to the verse in Luke), an event on board for homeless people and organisations who work with them. He explained how his life without God was like a building without foundations; a total mess. But then a pastor led him to God’s word as a firm basis and his life was changed. In his work on the ship, Frank has been welding the base for the Water Desalination Plant that will be installed soon in the engine room. Logos Hope needs this device to be able to convert salt water into fresh water suitable for drinking and Frank is working with the engine team in charge of installing this system. In many ways Frank is able to bless others like fresh water; both through his practical skills in welding but also in his life experience which is helping others build firm foundations.

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Simply the Story

Four people from Logos Hope went to Belfast City Church on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday to be trained about “Simply the Story”, a method of telling Bible stories orally and then leading people to the spiritual treasures hidden inside and to personal applications in which they can discover by themselves the relevance of God’s word for their personal lives. Tony Dower (Australia), Bryan Thompson (USA) and Andrea Mencken (USA), among other trainers worked with them through those days and finally came to the ship to practice their skills with people on board on the Visitor Experience deck at the International Café on Wednesday evening. Tony shared the story of Bartimaeus, the blind man that was healed by Jesus. He told it out loud and then asked questions to the audience there, most of them fellow church members. At the end some of the trainees told their stories and through questions motivate them to apply God’s word in their lives.

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DEEP Volunteers

After a long wait, for the first time Logos Hope ran the DEEP Volunteer programme in Belfast. David Svensson (Sweden) co-ordinates and runs the two volunteer programmes the ship has: HELP and DEEP. The HELP programme is designed to enable local people to help on the ship while it’s in port, participating in a variety of practical tasks and times of spiritual input and training. DEEP runs for a week from 9 to 5, Sunday to Sunday. Time is split equally between work in departments and discipleship training. There are also service opportunities off the ship with teams of crewmembers. “We had training sessions for ‘Grow’, ‘Show’ and ‘Go’. It’s great to connect with people and see God’s work”, said Claire Rush, one of the DEEP volunteers, about her experience

for Logos Hope,

Carlos Andrés Montañés (Colombia)

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