Sunday, January 18, 2009

O próximo dia 26 de Janeiro sera um dia muito importante no nossa calendário. A única razão pela qual ainda estamos aqui na Dinamarca e que ainda não recebemos o certificado para navegar. Esse certificado e o certificado que todo navio, seja um cargueiro ou um navio de passageiros transatlântico precisa ter. Obviamente que esse navio tinha esse certificado, mas depois que a OM o comprou e o remodelou, o desenho teve que ser modificado e com ele muito dos sistemas tiveram que ser renovados, como por exemplo o sistema de combate a incêndio, evacuação da tripulação de dos visitantes, e outros mais. Eu me lembro de quando tive que refazer os documento de um carro que tínhamos, eu demorei quase 6 meses só porque havia mudado o numero de passageiros que o carro podia levar, agora imaginem um navio que foi totalmente remodelado e 2 novos conveses foram adicionados. Enfim, esse certificado e o documento mais importante que o navio tem, por favor orem por esse certificado e pelos inspetores que virão nos inspecionar no dia 26 de janeiro. Oremos para que Deus nos de graça diante destas autoridades. Porfavor ponham o dia 26 de janeiro no seu calendário de oração.

The 26th of January is a very import date for us. the only reason we still are here in Denmark is that we do not have the PSSC, passenger ship safety certificate. this is the certificate that we need in order to sail. i still remember when we changed the papers from a car of ours, we just changed the number of passengers, it still took us about 6 months to get the papers, can you imagine how long and how much work it is to renovate a ship and get all the necessary documents? This is no longer Norrona 1, it is no Logos Hope, so many changes even 2 new decks, so a lot os work was done. now we just need to get the PSSC, would you please pray with us for surveyors, let us pray that God would give us favor before the authorities. Please put the 26th of January in you prayer calendar.


Ton e Jessica said...

Hii! We're very excited just thinking that LH is almost finally ready to sail.... wow! Oh, pr edson haven't answered yet... We think he is also troubled with internet connection... do you have the email from pr. estevanato? Because he is part of the direction of M. Desafio, right? Can you give his email? Hoping you all are ok and praying for you! Us.

Unknown said...

Hey Jessica,

We too are very excited about the sailing date of the ship. We hope to out of here by the end of the next month.
The Internet situation, the bad connectivity, is right in the office of the OBPC church in which the MD office is. So no one there would have a good connection, besides they are on holidays. They will be back by the second half of this month. So I guess you will need to be a little more patient.

But don't you worry too much, in due time you will receive their response.

Be blessed,


Ton e Jessica said...

rs. ok! How are you all there? : ) Bye, bye!

Anonymous said...

Essa fotom do navio ta linda né.
Suelaine e Cia.

Unknown said...

E verdade Suelaine, eu acho essa foto maravilhosa.

