Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Deus sempre supre, seja com pessoas que Ele nos envia ou com outros recurso. Enquanto o trabalho na sala de maquinas e outros lugares continuam, pois na segunda virão ao navio os inspetores para nos darem ou não o tão sonhado PSSC (certificado que nos permitira navegar). Ao mesmo tempo continuamos a tirar o máximo proveito das oportunidades de evangelismo. Temos equipes visitando regularmente igrejas e outro locais onde eles podem ser de ajuda. Nessa semana uma equipe ira visitar um orfanato e cozinhar para as crianças. Algumas pessoas estão indo periodicamente fazer evangelismo nas ruas da Dinamarca

God always supply, either with people that He sends us , or with other resources. Meanwhile work continues in the engine room and other places, cause the inspectors will come either to give us or not the dreamed PSSC (passenger ship safety certificate). At the same time we are trying to take advantage of most opportunities for evangelism. We have teams going to an orphanage, to cook a meal for the children and others are going regularly to church teams and street evangelism here in Denmark.


Ton e Jessica said...

Show de bola!!! Actually, we are very excited to work on board. We hope that everything goes well for us to serve on board. Oh, pray for me (Jessica) because I'm having a lot of troubles with my mouth's surgery... You can't imagine how much... Well, nothing of English translation to this posts (laughs...) I know it's hard to do that... I'm doing too.... rs. Well, see ya!!!

Unknown said...

We are excited that you will be coming next year to help us out. Whats wrong wit your mouth? I did not know you have had a surgery. What about you and your parents, have you sort thing out with them? It did not look to good the last time I saw you guys. i hope you are able to fine tune your relationship before you come, cause you don't know what will happened after.

Be blessed,


Ton e Jessica said...

Hi! I have to take out my four "sisos", you know, because they won't bear (I think it's the right way to speak this). Then I'm having a lot of trouble TO operate. I haven't suffered the surgery yet, but I need to pass through that still. Pray for that. Then about my parents, it's ok. I'm having some trouble just with my mom, but everything is under control. The trouble with my mom is just because I finally understood that she just can't treat people who are around her well during a long period of time followed. She doesn't know how to respect and develop good relationships with us who live in the same house. But I'm not angry with her because of it anymore. I'm just taking, how can I say, some space. Then she doesn't feel too free to treat me in a bad way, as she does to everybody in our house. God have already worked in my life a lot in this sense, and I have already thought the way to leave everythig okay before Ton and I marry and go out, ok? I know you trust in what I say. And I know you understand what I'm talking about. It's that. But it's really very good to talk to you, even we are so far. Oh, tell Maria that I miss her so much too! I love to talk to her too! Well, God bless you and until the next comment I'll write! : ) Me.