Precisamos orar pelo Haiti, estamos tão perto mas nao podemos fazer nada, não existe infraestrutura para receberem navios ou mesmo outros recursos. Sabemos que 3 outros navios que poderiam ajudar fora recusados por não terem cais para que os navios de ajuda possam atracar. Estamos orando para saber a vontade de Deus, e se tudo der certo quem sabem poderemos enviar uma equipe para ajudar, mas isso tera que ser em algumas semanas pois precisam prepar os recursos, orem conosco. Mais de 100 mil mortos e muitos outros desaparecidos.
Let pray for Haiti, we are so close but we cannot help, they don't have the infrastructure needed to receive help. We know of other ships that were refused because they did not have the berth that could received them, so we need to wait and see if in few weeks we can send at lest a team to help. Please keep praying with us. Oven 100 thousands have died and many more are unaccounted for.
Let pray for Haiti, we are so close but we cannot help, they don't have the infrastructure needed to receive help. We know of other ships that were refused because they did not have the berth that could received them, so we need to wait and see if in few weeks we can send at lest a team to help. Please keep praying with us. Oven 100 thousands have died and many more are unaccounted for.